Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I really like the idea of using Dropbox--just imagine not having to keep up with my flash drive, not worrying about backing up my documents on my home computer, being able to access what I need from wherever I am at the time, etc., etc.!! I think Google.docs could be a big help in sharing information with fellow library staff as a substitute for emailing attachments which they then have to print out or save. The documents would always be readily available to whomever needs them from a shared site.

I am sharing one of my favorite poems by Edward Sill.



I like the idea of being able to access what I need "on-demand," though I wonder about the costs involved. I think the ability to access docs from anywhere fits in with our on-the-go society. I enjoyed Mama Z's library instruction doc which she uses to instruct English classes on library policies, etc. It is always nice to see how other libraries handle certain situations.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Okay, I'm late with my postings; it's way past time to try to catch up! Admittedly I went into this topic thinking "I know what this is; I'm not really interested in another social network; I'll finish this in less than an hour." I viewed the YouTube "Twitter ruined my life" and found it not only hilarious but a justification of my opinion that twitter is frivolous and not really useful. It just "enables inane interaction" as one site noted. Then I read some comments about how it helped in research to instantly share information, and that some felt it was a way of learning to be brief with your thoughts (I could profit from that!). That the Library of Congress is archiving tweets is impressive since it will allow a searchable history of comments on events as they happen and can be used much like we now use old diaries and letters.

Since today is the big announcement day when LeBron James will let us know where he will play next year, I searched for tweets that gave opinions on his probable decision--not so important, all conjecture, but fun. I also searched Bozeman MT weather after I received a note from a friend there talking about a recent hail storm--in July for heaven's sake! I also looked at the VCCSlibraries site but couldn't bring myself to join still another network.

Amazing and useful. I used a library site http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=3&hid=107&sid=ad961edc-b30c-4f86-ac96-2b8d994c607a%40sessionmgr112&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=a9h&AN=9611116444 and got http://bit.lylbnKr7P.