Thursday, May 20, 2010


OMG! IMHP ("in my humble opinion" for those like me who don't know the lingo) IM could be useful if as with LRC Live, there are specific times when you know those you want to "talk" with are online when you need them. I can see where it would be nice to have a chat room with other VCCS librarians whose duties correspond with mine so we could occasionally discuss how to handle new policies dealing with the specifics of our jobs. I do this with a counterpart at one of the community colleges, and it has been very helpful, but I use email and the telephone--the old fashioned way!!

Years ago when chat rooms were new, we put signs on our internet computers saying, "NO CHATTING" in order to keep them free for student research. A patron called me over to ask if it was okay for her to "talk quietly" to the person at the computer beside her. I can see why she was confused!

The "Web-Based Instant Messengers: A Mini-Guide" was really helpful in listing all the possible sites to use, and it's great that IMs now have cross-platform communication, but I will whine again that it is just soooo time consuming to have set myself up with still another social network.

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